Jun 20, 2005 12:06
Although I haven't posted in a while I have been trying to keep up with all my friends entries. Nothing new has been happening. My work has been slow so I have been able to be online alot. I guess I could have posted earlier, but sometimes I feel I might just have nothing to say. I am looking forward to school starting and I am looking forward to finally organizing my house how I want it before school starts. My sweet in-laws are getting our bottom floor done with wood laminate. Very helpful when you have 6 pets O_O! The carpet we have just isn't cutting it. I have been on and off on my raw food diet, but I think the times I am off I really notice the changes in me. Same with thing happens when I don't do my Tae Bo :P. I seem to get more depressed and upset with myself. I think it is a matter of engraving it my head. I have been trying to look inward more to. It seems that I used to be a much more spiritual person before and now I just don't get in touch with that part of me. I haven't meditated or focused on myself in a long time. With the very busy schedule that I will have when school starts again & this full time job I think I need to be more grounded otherwise I am bound to get lost. I have millions of pics of my cute furry kids that I need to post soon. I just got a Flickr(is that the name?) account so I will upload some soon. I really enjoy keeping a journal so maybe I will have to just post random things even if they don't make sense to everyone.