I have put up my Goldie & Hollywood up on Ebay since I wasn't able to sell her on the Blythe forum. I felt bad since I did get some offers on Goldie, but I honestly wanted to get back what I paid for her & maybe even a little more if possible. Selling my Skate Date was even worse since I got a few really sweet people who kept offering more, but I had to settle on one. Boy that was harder then Ebay since I know everyone on the forum would truly love my girls & give them a good home. Disco is still pending. Hollywood I only got one possible yet unsure offer so she is off to Ebay. The sad thing is that I paid $130 for her-yep she was one of my more expensive ones- during the craze to get Hollywood. I hope to get at least $70 for her now. Now I know better to not buy my girls during the popular season *lol*. So, anyways if anyone here is interested here are the links:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5502701350&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1 Hollywood: