Singing songs and Whupping bitches

Jun 05, 2007 11:38

Well boys and girls...
What a freaky week I've just had. Been into some very interesting situations this week or so. But first some catch up.

Last week's show saw a very interesting show (Thank you Dance Dance Revolution for the music.) I did DDR Bumblebee and DDR Stay which, although only about one minute thirty each, still made for an intense show. I almost threw up after my last show as I was overheating. The show went down a treat with some of the beat crew partying there saying it was a return to what I should be doing.

Wednesday saw me collecting my little L from ROma street train station to travel down to meet my little sub T to have a supposedly "quiet and calm" holiday on the beach on the Gold Coast...little did I know that I wasn't going to be doing much sunbaking (Thank Goddess! I love my palid gothic complexion.) Had a huge meeting with many transgirls that are Pro DOminatrix girls down on the coast. Culminating into a huge BDSM/trans-orgy on Friday night with even my little L joining in...she is advancing well and will make a fantastic BDSM assistant *giggle* Saturday night saw me submitting to another trans-mistress T-L with her Master overwatching. Got a few hours of being my little pooka self, getting into mischief and getting this particular Mistress into trouble when she questioned my oral skills...she won't question them again. Was so nice to return to my subspace after such a long time away from it.

There is a bloke showing up from the states making fangs which means I need to make an appointment to get him to make me a reserve set of full fangs...Hot Hot Hot

Tonight will hopfully a great night, pop into the beat if you are free and we'll catch up.
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