(no subject)

Apr 16, 2010 00:09

[The following is a series of excerpts from the afternoon of April 15th in the Braginski household.

3:31 PM: Sounds of minor scrabbling, as Cornelius carefully sets out the required materials.]

I hardly see much point in creating an Ooze here, but I suppose it would be nice to have a reminder of home... I've nothing to lose, then. Let's see, it was Base Material 0 added to...

[3:35 PM: A small, contained explosion. Sounds of coughing.]

Ah- I don't remember it being quite so messy, but it seems it was a success. Alas, my repulsive companion- there are no enemies for you to face here.

[Sounds of gurgling. Oozing.]

Oh? That is the icebox where the food is kept... Are you hungry, little one? I... suppose a bit of food would go unnoticed...

[3:38 PM: Louder gurgling.]

Th-The entire turkey!? Ah, Lady Anya, forgive me- Never have I seen an Ooze with such a voracious appetite. Er... Did you eat all of the food?

...Why are you inching towards me?

[3:40 PM: Quick, loud gurgling and oozing. Sounds of quick, terrified breathing and items being thrown out of the cabinet.]

-napalm napalm napalm napalm napalm napalm napalm napalm NAPALM-

[3:43 PM: Sounds of frantic scrabbling. A door slams closed, followed by a small click as it is locked. A relieved sigh. Cornelius speaks nervously into the phone.]

...My fellow housemates, please do not venture into the kitchen. I will explain later.

Would... would anyone happen to know where I could acquire a small sample of Napalm? A single serving should suffice.
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