Relationships, Contact Info, HMD

Dec 27, 2011 20:06

"Let me wake from this nightmare and be greeted by the sun's warming rays..."
Russia (Ivan Braginski): Cornelius' "owner" in Mayfield, Cornelius considered him a friend until the man's psychosis drove him to begin hurting other people. Though he worries about Russia and does not wish harm on him, Cornelius has cut off ties with him.

Anastasia: The "mother" of the household, Cornelius and Anastasia get along rather well and are fellow sufferers of Russia's madness. He pities her for her curse, but admires her strength.

America (Alfred F. Jones): Russia's archenemy. Cornelius has come to understand that America is something of an idiot, but he enjoys the man's company nonetheless. America, unlike Russia, seems genuinely concerned about other people, and so Cornelius tends to take his side.

England (Arthur Kirkland): America's friend, and Cornelius' as well. Though he is often off-put by England's neurotic personality and habit of treating him like a rabbit, Cornelius likes him and considers him a friend.

Belarus (Natalia Arlovskaya): Russia's sister. She hates Cornelius, as she perceives him as an obstacle between her and her brother. He, in turn, considers her insane and dangerous, though he pities her for her obsession.

MOMO: A sweet young girl that Cornelius befriended; he finds her very charming and undeserving of Mayfield. He wishes he could do more to protect her.

Teta Heiral: Another young lady Cornelius befriended (straight pimpin', yo); she, like him, hails from a medieval world. She has very low self-esteem, which Cornelius finds quite saddening, and does what he can to compliment her and make her feel better about herself.

Sakuya Izayoi: A somewhat psychotic maid who expresses a desire to cook Cornelius into stew for her mistresses. Cornelius, ever resigned to torment, took this in stride, and figures that as long as she's still getting around to it there's no reason they can't be friends.

Contact Info:

Player Name: BF
AIM: Blazing Folly

HMD: Right here.
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