Action Post

Aug 26, 2009 01:17

[Shortly after his confrontation with Russia, Cornelius awakens in the street and immediately wishes he hadn't. Few things beat waking up in Hell to find you've been turned into a rabbit, but failing to protect a lady in need and getting the crap beaten out of you by the guy you were protecting comes pretty close!

Also the pain hurt really bad, that too.

He knew it was a stupid thing to do. It wasn't his place to get involved in these things... but even so, and even if he accomplished nothing at all, Cornelius didn't regret it. His father would have done the same. Any prince who could simply stand back and let the strong prey on the weak was a prince in title alone.

On the other hand, the pain hurt really badly.

His head hurts too much for further rational thought, and so with a resigned sigh Cornelius limps out of the road before a passing car can finish what Russia started. Silently, the pooka curls up in the shade of a nearby tree and waits for his wounds to heal.]
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