see these scars on me? I'm just marking territory

Oct 03, 2005 16:17

My weekend was unproductive, and I'm OK with that. Aside from the major accomplishment of going to see Serenity on Friday, I didn't actually do much. I bought groceries, and as a result was able to actually cook for myself both Saturday and Sunday nights. But mostly I slept in and watched TV and was a lump. No real harm done.

I think I might have to make a quick trip home next weekend. There was a brief cold snap here, actually rather refreshing. The weather appears to have stabilized into typical autumn patterns, but the cold period brought my lack of warm clothing into sharp relief. There's a stack of sweaters and jerseys in my closet in CT, and while I clearly don't need all of them, having a couple couldn't hurt.

So, for reasons that are somewhat obscure, my bank statements still go to my house in CT. And my mother, being a touch on the nosy side, reads them. Which means she sort of noticed how much money I spent on Prophet's Fall. Whoops. She called me up to talk about it on the same day that I got my bill for my 2006 auto insurance. The first payment isn't due until early December, mind you, but its still a lot of money that I'm going to have to be responsible to pay.

The thing is, I feel like I have too much money. I know part of that is due to my parent's generosity in getting me set up in my new apartment. I'll have to pay them back my last month's rent and security deposit when the time comes. But we sat in the kitchen at the Cape and laid out a budget for me, and let me tell you it was tight. There wasn't that much margin for error. Heck, there wasn't even that much for food.

But my day to day experience isn't working out like that at all. I get at least two paychecks a month. One of those goes to rent, and a small fraction of the other to utilities. And then I just walk around with all this "surplus" money. And as anyone who knows me can tell you, that's something of a recipe for disaster. I like things. So I'll buy things. Its only the thought that I dropped a large chunk of change on PF and should probably be saving up for my insurance payment that's stopping me from living like a king.

I've got this 401(k) now that comes straight out of my paycheck, so that's money I never see. It makes me feel like I have no need to save anything else, and from a certain point of view I don't, at the moment. Sure, something horrific could go wrong with my car, I suppose. There's always unforseen circumstances. But its not like I'd be living in debt. My parents have done a really succesful job of instilling in me an unholy terror of credit card debt, of the modern debt slaves. But spending money I actually already have doesn't trigger that anxiety. Even living paycheck to paycheck like I sort of am, I seem to have a couple extra hundred dollars perenially floating around.

Too much money. Take it away from me, please, so it'll be there when I need it.
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