Oct 22, 2005 08:22
i am starting to wonder if lj is a good thing. i do enjoy the occasional update and i like to be able to read what is going on with my friends, but more and more i am feling like i have nothing to say to some people when i meet up with them cos its already all been posted on lj. part of the joy of seeing my friends is being able to share experiences, have a laugh and share opinions, and i just seem to have less to say in a social situation cos i've said it before (more in replies to people that in updates).
It also seems that lj is becoming a replacement for the phone/ email/ text. a couple of times now i have discovered that i was invited to go somewhere/ do something through a general invitation on lj. err.... that so does not work for me. i don't thoroughly read every entry, so i miss these things (example: Laerad - what was this open invitation that was extended to me and mind_expander. i read that you had done this, i really have no idea about it). its like LARP. The Nosferatu only seem to be contactable through their forum. i don't care about checking "The Sewers" cos there's so much pish on there, but if i don't, i dont find out about anything going on. must be hell on anyone who doesn't have access.
so, currently contemplating shutting up shop around here and stopping reading other people's journals so that talking to my friends is more fun, and going out with people means more than gathering to talk about what we read on lj recently. i do enoy reading people's journals, but i prefer actually talking.
and on a slight tangent, was round at pick' and 'pix place last night and felt tremendously ganged up on as they seemed to be tag-team ranting about how much men suck. Had to agree with pretty much everything, to be honest. the only problem was being the only guy there (and being a little stoned) i was not only feeling ganged up on but slightly paranoid ("is there a subtext here?", "is this all just aimed at me?", and finally "I'll get my coat").
right, gotta head off to work. lovely busy saturday morning ahead of me. i shall contemplate my quandry there.