**What is your...**
Porn Star Name (Name of pet you have owned + mothers maiden name):
Anarchy Nielsen
Drag Star name:
Devion Dallin
Brand of Deodorant:
Do you like pickles:
Watch Porn:
Yeah, they’re pretty amusing
Do you have your own phone line:
I have a cell phone
Thoughts on abortion:
Kill the little fuckers!… hahaha… really I don’t have a strong opinion on the subject… I just think people should be more responsible with their bodies
What do you want to do with your life:
Be fat, happy, and filthy rich!
Ever been butt naked bangin' on the bathroom floor:
Hehe… yeah
Would you ever get plastic surgery, if so, on what?:
I dunno… my boobs maybe
Do you think foreign accents are sexy?
Oh yeah!… Especially British and Australian
Most attractive person you know?:
Myself!… NO… not really… I’ve always thought Lyssa Farr was pretty damned hot
Do you have a crush on someone?:
Do you wish you could live somewhere else?
I wish I could live ANYWHERE else
Do others find you attractive?
Duh, I’m gorgeous!
Do you like roller coasters?:
Hell yeah
Do you write in cursive or print?:
Lace Thong… my fav
Coffee cup:
My grossly oversized blue ceramic mug
**For or against?**
Long distance relationships:
If they work for ya, more power to ya… I can’t deal with em though
Like the taste of blood:
It has a metalicy appeal to it
Believe in love:
Sure do
Believe in soul mates:
Believe in God:
Not in the traditional sense
Ever been arrested:
The only time I was ever in the back of a cop car was for being out past curfew when I was like 15
What are you scared of?:
Hmm… well, nothing in particular
What is the most romantic season?:
Winter… it’s all nice and cold out so you get to snuggle and keep warm
Times I have been in love?:
Too many
Times I have had my heart broken?:
Enough for me not to forget it
Hearts I have broken?:
I don’t think I’ve ever really broken someone’s heart… at least not that I know of
Continents I have lived on?:
What's your favorite US city?:
Of the ones I’ve been to… probably Austin
What current trend do you think is ridiculous and wish would go away immediately?: