Title: Nothing Takes the Taste Out of Peanut Butter
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairings: Unrequited Adam/Nick
Word Count: 1111
Rating: FRT
Summary: It just fucking figures, that when Adam finally falls in love, it's with a guy still desperately in love with his dead wife.
Notes: Written for
comment_fic prompt. This bunny bit hard when I read it. I've never
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Also, for some random reason, I burst out laughing when I read this paragraph: 'Adam doesn’t bother pretending to listen. Nick is in his own little world, unseeing of even the large green leaf he waves in front of his face sometime between hearing about NicknSarah’s first time together and the time when Nick got the flu from Sarah. He’s made a total of twenty leaf piles when nick finally shuts up. ' *weird sense of humor, self*
I'm going to be hoping you'll do a sequel where Adam gets the guy, but if not, that will be my headcanon. *lalala, ignoring everything else* Okay, now I'm done, I promise! Sorry, just came home and I'm hyped up on tea.
Strangely, I think this may be a new ship for me. I'm fond of my Adam, and once Nick gets his head out of his ass and gets over his dead Wife, I think I might like him, too. I wanna do a sequel, but I already feel guilty working on this instead of my two bigbangs, so it'll have to wait until I get my rough drafts done and sent off, I'm thinking.
Though, now that I've said it, I'll probably end up working on this again instead. Procrastination FTW!
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