depressed me for a million cozy reasons, mostly the bad feelings
resulting from the good feelings of having one's shiny new tofu
ice-cream store validated in the press. Chico talking about
old-people-on-new-people crime was fairly demoralizing, as was the
author's glee at finding a big ex-con smoking a joint smack on the
gentrification line. But the worst part by far is that since the New
York Times ran that "Sixth Borough" piece a few months ago, "moving to
Philadelphia" has become short-hand for getting priced out of New York
City. I've been threatening to move to Philadelphia since August of
2003, when I first came to this sprawling metropolis. That's MY line,
and you hipster posers are gentrifying all over it. Leave my abandoned
homeland alone, tofu-ice-cream-eating bitches!