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May 11, 2005 08:17

today is yom hazikaron, the memorial day for all of the soldiers who have fallen to make Israel the Jewish state. unlike memorial day at home which is really just a day off of school, everyone in israel has a personal connection to this day. ceremonies are held from last night until 8 tonight, and then yom ha'atzmaut starts (independance day). apparently the transition from one to the other is extremely difficult. since last night, a channel on the tv has been playing the names of the soldiers, and it lists all the way up to the past few days. and every year the list starts playing earlier, which is a reminder of the relevance on yom hazikaron.
i went to a dress rehearsal monday night of the ceremony that will be taking place tonight in har herzl. it was a very solemn event with people telling their stories, soldiers marching with flags, and a candle being lit in memory of the dead. but eventually the whole event becomes a festive occasion with dancers, fireworks and singing. the fact that the two holidays are one after another makes everything more poignant. i can't quite explain it, but after hearing two sirens in the past two days for memorial, and knowing that later tonight i will be going to a festival...it is hard to comprehend.
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