What the heck is with this weather?

Feb 13, 2007 23:24

I love Chicago weather because the saying holds up most of the time.

"Don't like the weather in Chicago, wait a minute and it'll change."

It's just ridiculous weather lately. First, we have that mild December where it was like 45 or 50 degrees and we really didn't need a coat. Then all of a sudden the temps drop like 20 degrees. Okay, not all of a sudden, but I was fairly used to the El Nino weather. Then mid January rolls around and bitter cold for two weeks but minimal snow. Then yesterday night, the skies open up and dump about a foot and a half of snow, and I come home to this:

Each image is in various stages of shoveling.

Needless to say after an eight hour school day, I was a bit tiffed when I had to ascend my stairs in like two feet of snow only to shovel out a path. But it was an effort in futility because as I type this post, it's still snowing and drifting. Ah, whatever, it's Chicago and I should expect this, but the thought of it brings out some vitriol and pining for somewhere with a warmer climate, at least for a couple of days. I couldn't really bare living anywhere else though.
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