Finding purpose where there was none.

Sep 18, 2006 09:51

Well, school is in full swing and I have to say that it's very fun. Well, as fun as school can be anyhow. I'm in some awesome classes and my favorite of them all is my addiction studies class. This time around, we are learning the practices of treatment. It's focused on the therapy and methodology of treating recovering addicts.
One of our books has my professor troubled though. He admits not having read the book for a few years, but the author of the book was a therapist. She had boundary issues. At one point in the text, she finds herself comforting a patient by having him place his head in her lap and stroking his hair, just as a mother would do to her child. While acceptable for a mother to do this for her child, in a professional setting, this cannot work. I wonder if her employers ever even read her book? Maybe she had a private practice? That is an offence punishable by revokation of license. It just seems odd that there is such a disparity between what is allowable and what isn't. In that instance however, I can see the problem. Therapists sometimes become loved by their patients because they offer them some comfort in times of need, comfort that they cannot find in their own family or didn't recieve long ago from a parent or loved one. Therapists help people figure out confusing parts of their lives. Thinking about this just makes me anxious to continue with my education so that I may eventually begin to work in this field.

My muse has returned. Recently, I've felt listless, because I felt that I didn't really have a purpose. Everyone has a purpose, it just takes different amounts of time to find theirs. I truely believe that I've found something that I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm certain that I have a direction that I want to head toward.

I want to learn.

If we don't learn, then we might as well be dead. Take this to heart my friends. Do something about your situation, otherwise, you'll stagnate and waste away your life wondering what could have been.
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