(no subject)

Oct 31, 2005 19:05

1. How tall are you? 5'7 last time I checked, I think I've stopped growing, I so wanted to make it to 5'8. Woe.
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No, everyone knows crack's where it's at. Please.
3. Do you own a gun? Nah, I wish I was a crazy baccy spittin' ole crone in the South of America, rocking in my chair on my veranda with one big motherfucker of a shotgun on my lap. I'd shoot raccoons, hitchikers and children.
4. Rehab? Nah.
5. Would you "do" someone in their parents bed? Sure.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Hot... dogs? Hot... DOGS?! GARLIC... BREAD?!?!
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Winter Wonderland, delicious smarmy joyful cheese.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Weekend Juice if it's still about or a nice cuppa.
9. Do you do pushups?10. Have you ever done ecstasy? No.
11. Are you vegan? No.
12. Do you like painkillers? I rarely take 'em, hardcore me.
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the preferred sex/es? Hahaha... haha... ha... owh... MY HAIR!!!
14. Do you own a knife? I own a mean palette knife, I could slap someone's face up big style with that baby, provided, y'know, they were tied down and couldn't fight back.
15. Do you have A.D.D.? Nawh.
16. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? I wouldn't know, the wee anchor Harri drew on me for my sailor costume got me tempted though... I'd quite like a tattoo I think.

Top 5 Thoughts At This Exact Moment:
1. John Snow's voice is sort of sexy.
2. Since when did my parents have a heart on Hallowe'en? They used to enjoy slamming doors in the kiddies' faces...
3. I hope there are no more brats trick or treating so I get the rest of them sweets.
4. I don't want stir fry.
5. Mmmm yaye <333 I'm so silly.

Name the Last 5 Things You Have Bought: (recently)
1. Hot chocolate.
2. Twix.
3. Salt & Vinegar Walkers.
4. Travelcard.
5. Entrance to a fancy dress gig club night shindig. That's basically my life: eating and going out.

Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. Weekend Juice.
2. Apple juice.
3. Tea.
4. Uhm... water?
5. JD&coke.

17. What is in your CD player? Mix CD containing Joanna Newsom, Dylan, Devandra Banhart, Harry Nilsson, Leadbelly, Magnet feat. Gemma Hayes, Emmy the Great, White Stripes, Bedouin Soundclash, Kano, The Specials.. think that's it. Yeah, I'm precise.
20. Current Worry? School, my mental health.
21. Current Hate? The bad part of my personality.
22. Favorite Place To Be? My room, or anywhere out with my gals [Koko usually, or on buses 'cause we take a lot of those, Rosalie's house], by the river [I miss the old walk back to Harri's house even though it's bloody long and will be freezing now], Cornwall, Nigel's flat, anywhere there's a Riot.
23. Least Favorite Place? School even though I haven't been back yet, how typically teenage.
24. Where Would You Like To Go? I fancy a trip to the seaside actually.
25. What do you wear when you go to sleep? Pyjamas, boxers [starry ones, flash arse], shirts.
26. What were you doing 12AM last night? Moping in front of my teleputor in my bedroom. Fucking sad I am.
27. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Oh, fuck off with twenty-seven! Never-Neverland I'ma coming! Le sigh... I guess as long as I'm feeling good, looking good, doing something that makes me happy, filling my life with people that make me happy, not dead.. then s'all swell.
28. Do you burn or tan? I've never burnt in my life [obviously da Island Blud in me], came close in Turkey but I do tan after a while, I can never really notice it though being already brown.
29. Last thing you ate? Stolen sweet from Trick or Treat bowl.
30. If you could be a pirate... I'd be fucking sexy as Hell, partake in a lot of revenge, break poor good sailors' hearts and drink a fuckload of Rum.
31. Last time and place you had an alcoholic drink? Thursday at the Dolly Rockers' fancy dress gig shindig, me and Damo went round stealing other people's drinks, I tell thee I'm never buying drinks again.
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower funnily enough.
33. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Nothing I don't think.. I used to have bad dreams but I can't remember 'em now.
34. What's in your pockets right now? Nothing actually. Lemme have a look in my coat pockets... a harmonica, travelcard, bus pass, two pennies, an empty chewing gum packet and some matches.
35. What's on your bedroom walls? A Cribs poster, loads of old black & white photos of relatives I don't know, my parents and grandparents, a mirror with lots of stickers stuck on it, beads, other forms of jewellery and sunglasses hung on it, these snazzy things from Ikea I put all me knick-knacks and bras and tights and socks and t-shirts etc in, and some hooks for coats and hats and scarves and braces and neckerchiefs. Oh, and a large cardboard horse's head wearing a large grin. Very boring.
36. Last thing that made you laugh? My Dad being sweet to the wee Trick or Treaters, I think he misses me being little.
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? I never had those printed bed sheets with cartoon characters or whatever on 'em. Obviously I was too fashionable. Yes [secretly weeps for such a deprivation].
38. Do you like your teeth? Yeah I do, I bloody well better, took years of braces and retainers and shit to make 'em look nice.
39. Worst injury you've ever had? Uhm, I don't know actually, I was in a pretty serious car accident where we flew off the road and landed upside down in a ditch for no reason whatsoever, but was very lucky to come away from it with nowt but a scratched up neck. Here's knockin...
40. What are your dreams like? I rarely ever remember dreams but sometimes I have these huge epic ones, I'm talking Lord of the Rings style here and if I could remember 'em all I could write books and getting fucking rich I swear.
41. How many TVs do you have in your house? Two.
42. Who is the loudest friend? I don't know actually... Rosalie can get really loud and scream fucking high when she feels the urge.
43. Who is the silent friend? We all pretty much talk a lot, I guess I'm the worst for keeping quiet about feelings and stuff. I'm such a fucking bloke.
44. What song do you want played at your wedding? The death march.
45. What song do you want played at your funeral? DON'T STOP ME NOW, I'M HAVING SUCH A GOOD TIME, I'M HAVING A BALL! Like The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off... I'll be down in Hell doing my special spacky dance to it with a row of backing dancer imps or something 'cause I'd so be the Devil's bitch. Or maybe I'd have THIS IS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN BAH-DA-BAH-BAH!

New coat! And my Bob Dylan hat as my Ma calls it.

New coat again!

Ignore the idiotic expression on my face, that is what happens when I get my Dad to take pictures of me.

Everyone should go type Alan Lomax into whatever downloading program you use and get whatever you can.
He went round all the old prisons and work places and recorded all the black prisoners and slaves singing the songs they'd sing as they worked and Hell, he's a fucking hero for it 'cause we'd never have been able to hear those amazing voices if he hadn't.
It's breath-taking, spine-tingling, hand-shaking stuff.

x x x

Ps. I'm better now, as is that old addage, morning after the night before etc.
I was, of course, just being silly.

meme, silly me, alan lomax

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