Mar 11, 2014 16:02
For the longest time, I've always thought I'm not very "smart." I put that in quotes because I'm not trying to say I think I'm stupid. I know I'm not. But at work, I always feel like there's a lack appreciation for what I bring to the tables -- besides a strong work ethic. And I think I've always chalked that lack of appreciation to how I'm simply not knowledgeable enough because I didn't study the right things in school, or didn't spend enough time in school, etc.
But I've recently come to realize that I AM smart and knowledgeable and should be appreciated, dammit. But the one area in which I'm definitely NOT smart? Work politics. At that I really am downright dum, perhaps to my own detriment.
This post is brought to you by the words "navel" and "gazing."