May 09, 2008 22:11
OK I have a question about birthday parties...
Tristan (my kindergartener) got a birthday party invitation from a classmate. The classmate also gave my daughter (Skylar) an invitation. Skylar is only 4 and the only reason she knows the classmate is because most mornings we all walk to school together and the kids all run/walk/play together on the way. This is the firt time I've ever let Skylar go to a birhday party for any of Tristan's classmates so this is the first time I've thought about it but...
Am i supposed to get 2 gifts, one from each of my kids? Or just buy one gift and put both names on it? I usually only spend $15(ish) on a birthday gift so should I get 2 smaller things instead of 1 larger? or what?! lol This may sound silly but really...what's the "norm"??
I know personally, I wouldn't expect for siblings to bring seprate gifts for my child, but I guess some people do expect that. So does 2 invitations mean 2 gifts?? Because they COULD have put both names on 1 Maybe i just need to go to sleep!
Help?! Thoughts?!