Please fill out the survey below if you signed up for the Secret Santa exchange. It will help your gifter out a lot.
1. Just say it. What do you really really want for Christmas? (Go crazy no matter how big or small)
2. What would you rather not see in your gift bag?
3. What are your hobbies? Do you collect anything?
4. Favorites. fandoms, tv shows, sports teams/players.
5. More favorites. music artists, groups, celebrities.
6. Even more. stores, brands.
7. Favorite scents? Colors?
8. If you want, post your clothing/shoe size/ring size/etc.
9. Which holidays do you celebrate? Christmas? Hanukkah? Winter Soltice? Kwanzaa?
10. Got a favorite charity? link it here.
11. Post the link to that wishlist of yours. I know you have one.
12. Do you have any allergies?
13. Mailing preferences. Can you send overseas?
14. questions/comments?
If you forget to add something to your survey, feel free to come back and make a reply to your comment and add it it. I'll probably end up doing the same thing.
Also, once you have your person's info, if you need to ask them a question, go ahead and leave them an anonymous comment to their survey. Anonymous commenting is turned on and IP logging is off.
musiclover03brenymegansyncgotmelovestonedsweetchachajoeysdramaqueenstef_mariecall_me_locamirroredimagedinepoetrychikpoprocks_incsometimescrazylance_nerdturps33missdewpatchworkdragonweird_oneannadeturloughisherequiet000001minnie0612dontelltheelfweirdshapedheadmasheek2sprklydncgrlrositamiaraynedansergabiladylafemmepapillonrodeochicktonguemastaofjccrownzeal - There's still time to sign up! November 12th is the deadline. Email with your lj name and mailing address.
- The max amount is $20 and there's no limit.
- Please don't tell your giftee who you are until after Christmas. You can however, put your name on the card or the envelope if you feel the need. There will be a list posted of who had who after Christmas.
- The emails with your giftee info will be sent out within a couple days after the 12th.
- If you have any questions or concerns please send an email to and
kennedy or I will get back to you asap.
eta: whoops. stupid automatic friendslocking of posts. all fixed.