i got an awesome new stapler today

Jan 30, 2005 23:11

my pinky and half of my ring finger are aching. and it has slowly been moving up my wrist. its pretty uncomfortable. nicky wanted me to update so i am, but i am at a loss for words. this weekend was pretty fun, i enjoyed the time, but now i have a few too many hours of reading to do for tomorrow. i got this really cool stapler today, its so powerful. i need to go staple something.

today i had to go get mischief shots, i had to hold him by his neck fat and watch him be pierced with needles. but afterwards i was comforted by the fact that he will be free of cancer, rabies, fleas, ticks and many more.

today was such a sunny, nice day. i woke up with the sun shining on my face, so i resorted to the part of the bed protected by the sun, so i could get a few more minutes in of sleep. but it felt like summer day, i had the urge to go to the beach, i needed to be outside, so i resorted to the headlands and just looked out into the endless water while my sister and i enjoyed a deluctable lunch.

so this weekend nicky and i shared some lovely times. we went to buy beads, cause i had the craving to make a necklace, and indeed i got some really cool beads. we were cahsed by a biker which was as intense as being chased by a t rex and/or kenya. we drove around. we some good bonding time last night at creekside, at least im pretty sure although i was pretty drunnk so my memory is not all there, but i know there were some lover to lover moments. then she laughed at me because i am having weird cravings for gaterade. we went to the strip clubs as usualy, got a little wet and a little wild.

im trying to read psychology but i easily get torn away from the book as i look at my hand in wonderment of why it fucking feels this way. its like im having a heart attack, except the signs that are supposed to be in your arm, are trapped in this part of my hand. i find it interesting that when most people are color blind, they see all colors except red and green. others can see all colors except blue and yello. and others just see black, white, and grey. im thankful that i have all of my senses.
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