Jan 22, 2003 17:10
Got an e-mail from the card carrying NRA guy, the one with photos of himself carrying a rifle in his home. He wasn't such a bad guy, but there was really nothing going on between us. Nevertheless, I feel sort of like I should respond to his e-mail. After all, hasn't everyone had that low, lonely moment where you wish you were involved with someone, but there is no one around,so you make the phone call or drop the e-mail to an ex, or a one night stand, or a random one date only. I know he only contacted me because he is feeling that lowness, but I'm not there and wouldn't e-mailing him back only make it worse? There is nothing worse than e-mailing the one night stand who doesn't want a repeat, the one dater who can't remember you, or the ex who has a fabulous, new someone? Yeah, the shit sucks. Being mildly desperate, but not realizing you are so, is so bad. You do crazy shit, like remembering the mediocre like it's worth a second look. Ugh. I always pray that won't be me, then I look back on my behavior of a few months ago and I can only empathize with this guy. I mean, I e-mailed him the next day after that lame ass date too.