Day 2

Jan 23, 2007 10:12

I've decided to post about my 90 Day Challenge separately from my regular weight loss/gain, exercise issues. I'm starting to suspect this process is going to be different, but I'm not quite sure how. I started to suspect when the handbook to the diet/exercise program talked specifically about the fear and anxiety I was currently feeling. I had a little 'woah, how did you know?' moment when I read it and realized there is something about this challenge that will do more than help me drop some pounds. I dunno if this is going to be so boring I should probably filter it or something. Ah well, skip if you need to, if not,

Last night I got home not quite faint or starved, but not quite as together as I normally feel after a Monday at the office. But maybe I was kidding myself and I am that out of it every evening. In any case, Jeff, my savior, was JUST finished steaming a big ol' batch of every veggie we could buy at Rainbow groceries this weekend--so all I had to do was grab the biggest bowl I could find and fill it with veggies. I have discovered kale is tasty and not something to be feared and tamari is a nice flavor on everything. And huge chunks of rock salt on sweet potatoes is damn fine. Ah. Seriously people--every vegetable! There was kale, chard, collard greens, sweet potatoes, beets, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, and string beans. Phew. After I had my fill, I figured I wasn't filled enough. See, I was supposed to have a snack of 4 oz of salmon at 3 PM, but never got any as we hadn't purchased fish over the weekend. Not quite sure if I was breaking rules, I asked Jeff to prepare all the salmon I picked up at Safeway for after lunch snacking at work. Being a good egg, he put down his D&D books and cooked me some fish. Mmm. That tasted better than any fish I've ever had ever. Ah. After preparing some quinoa for and a smoothie for the next day, I cleaned the entire kitchen to complete my sense of virtuose productivity. Ah.

Next, I had Jeff take my measurements which was mildly apalling for me. I was actually embarassed to have him tell me the numbers and be right up against my dry, dry, post pool skin. It was kind of silly, but this whole weight gain has got me a little silly. Here are my starting stats (from memory, so they might be off):

Height 61"
Weight 170 lbs
Body fat 43%

Chest 41"
Waist 40"
Hips 44.5"
Upper arm 15"(?)
Forearm ?
Wrist 10"
Upper thigh 27" (?)
Calf 15.5"

I should have measured my neck. When I lose weight there, it always feels a bit bizarre. Then I read some of my diet propoganda. Let me tell you, this fitness consultant hates all delicious food--well, I exagerate. But, milk, processed foods, non-veg from commercial venues--if she ever finds you, you're in for a big ol' hurt let me tell you. The reading materials demand I eat only whole food and avoid all other--whole food being veggies, grains, and select non-veg items like eggs, farm raised animals, and wild caught fish. The readings also talked about supplements--but I HATE supplements. I (foolishly) believe I should get all the nutrients I need from food. Despite the somewhat radical nature of the prescriptions, I think I can manage some of these things even after the 90 days. Both Jeff and I really enjoyed the variety and quantity of vegetables and I think this process will surely encourage us to eat at home more--after all, I have little choice to eat elsewhere!

Surprisingly, I wasn't hungry for the rest of the evening. Around 9 PM I felt a little twinge of hunger start, so I had some tea and tried to go to bed early and failed miserably. I think I fell asleep at 10:30 at the earliest. Which SUCKED this morning at 4:45 AM let me tell you.

Somehow, I got my ass up, dealt with my teeth, drank my two cups of water, and got myself over to a treadmill. I was supposed to do this workout Monday AM, but couldn't manage it. This morning I walked--yes walked--60 minutes. It's been a while since I walked or did any exercise for so long and I'm surprised at how sore my ass already. I walked at an average pace of 3.6 mph at a 2.5 incline to maintain an average HR of 128. I was supposed to be in zone 2 and for me that ranges from 113-132 BPM. Although it wasn't as 'tough' as the workouts I'd been doing, it felt good and thorough. I did a lot less than the 75 minutes I'm supposed to be doing--I scrimped on the stretching. I did 5 minutes instead of 15. I figure, I'll stretch tonight and my ankle strengthening exercises should could for something. As well as my 15 minute walk to and from the train station! I'm taking to heart the notion that I need to reestablish my base training to get stronger and faster.

Yesterday, I swam with my swim class for 35 minutes for 800 meters. I think for class tomorrow, I'm going to try and record my HR as well. Then, after work, I'm going to a circuit weight training class at 5:30 on campus. I have to admit, I don't like the idea of taking this class after work, but it'll have to do for now. I don't like the idea of bringing both lunch and dinner to work. I'd rather eat at home, but arriving at 8 PM in SF makes that impossible. I have no idea how to integrate a twice a week weight training class into my busy schedule once school starts. Bah. I'll worry when I get there.

Instead, I'll share today's eating plan:

Wake and drink 2 glasses of water, 1 with 1/2 lemon squeezed into it.

Breakfast: Flax Shake (a serving is only about 4 oz!--it felt like too little food)

11 AM 1-2 cups of vegetabe broth

Lunch: Steamed veggies and 1 cup of quinoa

3 PM: 1-2 cups vegetable broth and 4 oz of salmon if I'm feeling weak

5-6 PM: two bowls of steamed veggies

90 day challenge

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