"Predatory pricing" dupes young girl into ringing up $400 iPod Touch bill. I kinda' don't care about the actual content of this story. Sure, predatory pricing or whatever, but I'm so filled with resentment that some 6-year old has an iPod touch while I'm still rocking a cellphone with a hand-crank that I can't muster the outrage to care if they lose their house over this wacky misunderstanding.
What I am worried about, though, is that people are apparently spending $99 on "a bucket of stars".
I know they couldn't reach the game company for comment, but I imagine this is what they would have had to say:
"Yeah, we're duping stupid people out of their money. What did you think we were going to say? Seriously, who pays $99 for a videogame you have play on your cellphone? You want to know what happens? You give us $99, and then we make your phone show you a piece of clip art. And you think you're some kind of journalistic genius for sussing out that we're total assholes? Don't lump all the blame on us, though. You're the nitwits who fucking pay for that shit."