Jun 12, 2005 12:57
well. i was tested again!!! what in the crap!!!
and i just spent money on new underwear and rosco the part dog part goat ate 2 pairs already. what a fucking nuisance. man i cannot wait till rob takes the lil fucktard back. dont get me wrong im gonna miss him. you all know...that annoying whiny bark that can be compared to a fork on a chalk board. those long talons he wont let me clip. he just likes to scratch you with them to get your attention. and most of all him eating everything in sight. not to mention half a xxl bag of dark chocolate m&m's my brand new leather chair, every pair of underwear i have ever own, and well......pretty much my whole damn house!!!!
also mike is getting fed up with all his roommates. which i dont blame him. and i mentioned that when his lease is up maybe he should move in with me till he moves back to CT. i think it would work. even though im the one who always tells people it's a bad idea for couples to move in together so early in the relationship. but hey we are going on 3 1/2 months and no fights. not even on lil bicker. man, that's either a miracle or just two people who hate to fight and actually just get along. im going for miracle. BAH!!! im still worried on whether it is a good idea or not. well i guess we'll see......