omg i so can't wait till i have to study and do assignments again!!!!1

Sep 15, 2003 01:07

.. Yeah. I'm so going to die next year. See, ostensibly the reason for me being in Japan is to learn Japanese. In reality though, the learning Japanese has been secondary to learning how to do absolutely nothing. I'm in training to become a first class bum, and I've been performing admirably. I know that it all counts towards speaking the language better, but it's really hard to make myself study World History or Maths when I know that the marks don't count for a thing, and I can get away with doing nothing.

I don't know, I'm just an extremely, extremely lazy person. It's easily the thing I hate about myself the most, much more than the stupid things like my weight and my recently discovered weird nose and my horrid speech habits and my perpetually stupid hair and my tendency to be a putty-brained tryhard who doesn't know who she is. Obviously the easy solution is to get off my arse and STOP being such a worthless lazy waste of space, but I'm too lazy. Haha, is that Catch-22? I don't know, I'm thinking it has to be a catch of some kind, 'cause I feel caught. Caught in a mire of being lazy (idle, indolent, slothful. Thankyou,

But this was intended to be a discourse on uni stuff, so onto uni I go. Maybe not a discourse, I think you have to be indepth and say something worthwhile to warrant the word discourse. I don't know, maybe I will find out when I go to uni and lern to speak good and be smart and know lots of stuff.

Anyway, looking at my uni's rather spiffy website tonight, and reading up on the subjects I can study in my course, so much of it appears to be FLUFF. I mean, I'd heard the things people say about BA before, likening it to toilet paper and such, but.. Wow. It all looks really interesting, and I'm sure it gives you the opportunity to be satisfyingly intellectual, and have lovely waffling debates using lots of big words (like SCHWA! XD), but when you think about it, where is Medieval and Early Modern Studies going to get me? Literary Studies? I mean, sure, if you want to become an author maybe, but a better way to become an author is to write a book. Peace and Conflict Studies? Yeah, it's relevant to the world we live in, but again, the world's major peace figures (and war figures, for that matter), became such because of their ideas and the effort they put into making them heard, not 'cause they took a class at uni. Then we have Women's Studies, what is that? So you sit around talking about how yes, we have vaginas, and our nipples have comfy beanbags to sit upon? Ehee, I wonder how many guys take Women's Studies in the hope of seeing nudey pictures, or picking up.

Actually, no, I found the class the guys are going to be in. Maybe me as well XD

CLCS2360     2     A History of Erotic Narrative

Hell, yes. :D Wonder if they cover slash.

I also kinda worked out how this course/credits/major bizzo works. It looks as though you have to get 48 credits, most classes seem to count for 2. You have to complete two majors, each with 16 credits, which if you're following the maths (maths! aaiiiggh mummy!) leaves 16 credits that don't have to count. So I could (theoretically, at least, I don't know all the rules) spend the first year doing Introduction to Soap Operas or Reading Slash for Intellectual Betterment before choosing my majors, or if I work it out earlier, be able to do fluff subjects whilst doing them.

Loz Panic Level -50 points :D Huzzah!

[Poste Scripte; just so you know, I typed this all up once, then LOST IT ALL, then typed the whole thing up again from memory. If I lose it again I will MURDER. SOMEONE. Maybe even you! :D]
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