'Nother interview!

Sep 06, 2003 18:43

This one is courtesy of rollerskate_, who unlike me had to come up with lots and lots of interviews, and thought of lots of rockin' cool questions.

1. If things like different continents and the general arrangement of the world didn't interfere, what seven towns/cities/places would you like to visit most in an organised road trip?

Thailand, because The Beach made it look so awesome and exotic.. America, so I could visit all the towns that these gorgeous bands like Cursive and Thursday etc. etc. come from and go to shows. Whichever US city has the best shows, I'll go there. New Zealand, so I can take one of those LotR red carpet tours, and I'll time this for December so I can then go to the RotK premiere. Italy, so I can eat food and get fat. And Great Ocean Road/Lorne/Onto Adelaide, because that is my number one road tripping plan. Apparently there are lots of shows in Adelaide, as well.

The first four aren't really road trippy, though, more touristy/backpackery. Ah well.

2. What's in your bag at the moment?
A more appropriate question would be what -isn't- in my bag at the moment. Lesse.. lolly wrappers, many; hair tie, beaded; band aid, still in wrapper; small tin, holding purikura; large square of orange satin, folded; Harry Potter & PoA; a book called Annie's Coming Out; Harry Potter & PS, in Japanese; sheet of paper, with three lines of essay about school uniforms that I refused to finish because I felt it to be a completely lame topic; yesterday's lunchbox (shit, i should remove that from bag..); A5 folder containing looseleaf, vocab lists and half hearted pretence at taking notes from various subjects; 5 colour punched A5 paper for aforementioned folder; exercise book originally intended for Luff Bunny Chronicles, now containing beginnings of stories I won't finish and a note-conversation with america-jin about historical origins of america; purikura notebook; gloomy pencilcase (god, that thing is awesome); countless sheets of paper my school gives me to waste trees, time, and space in my bag; plastic rectangle with LotR pictures bought from cinema, intended for leaning on when writing on paper, usually used as a fan when hot or to stare at when bored.

If you read all that, I hope you live somewhere where guns are easily acessible so you can now go shoot yourself.

3. If you could change the spelling of five english words, what would they be, and how would you spell them?

- This morning, this afternoon, etc, would all be single words, eg, thismorning.
- Words such as 'color', 'honor', etc, would have the letter u after the last o. Oh wait! In proper english, they already do! Not a problem, then. >:D
- 'etc' would be spelled 'wtf'. Because when I typed it just now, it took me about three tries before I didn't type wtf. And also because that would be hilarious.
- God and Jesus naturally can have capital letters because they are names, but this capitalising of He when referring to them must stop. It just looks so.. incorrect.
- Sensical would be a real word. Because it's nonsensical that nonsensical is a word and sensical isn't.

4. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you have?
Snake! Or a chameleon. And I want a dog as well, because it can make up for all the affection I won't be getting from the first two. I'd like a monkey but I don't think that'd be right.

5. Invent a food, and tell me how to make it.
Well, first you get a tomato and scoop the middle out..

Ehee. Um.

Oh, oh! LOLLY SUSHI. The insides would be whatever you wanted, musk sticks or chocolate or skittles or.. anything, really. The 'rice' could be cookie dough. As for the 'seaweed'.. any kind of sweet that can come in thin sheets. That's kind of difficult, actually. Maybe you could get some of those flat chewy taffy strips, and lay them side by side.. or if you were really clever (which I'm not), you could let some thin sheets of chocolate melt until they were just floppy, then use that as the outside and put it in the fridge to set again.

Noone can say that I'm not a genius.

Bandwagon jumping
1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed. And it just keeps going, and going, and going...
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