This and that.

Aug 30, 2003 22:07

Stole this from shefellaway, whose user name confuses me endlessly with it's similarity to my aim sn, weshallaway. Songs on my playlist that spell out my user name! Like those groovy acrostic poems you did in primary school.

Photobooth by Deathcab For Cutie
Off The Rails by The Notwist
Opiate by Tool
Hell and High Water by Rainer Maria
Electioneering by Radiohead
At Your Funeral by Saves The Day
Down Again by The Superjesus

Time for a new screenname, methinks. Now I just have to think of something I like.

A lot of people will say that if you don't like someone, you shouldn't pretend to be fine with them and act friendly, that you should avoid contact with them, be upfront. They're probably right, but because I'm lazy, and fairly laid back, and as eager to avoid confrontation as the next person, I don't live like that. Even if I discover I don't particularly like someone as a person, so long as they don't constantly annoy me in some unignorably offensive manner, I'm perfectly happy to be civil, talk to them, even be friendly, so far as they're civil and friendly back. It's usually a lot easier to go along and stay quiet when you realise someone is kinda silly, rather than the alternatives.

But if you then turn around and piss me off and insult me over something so stupid as the lyrics to a song, I'm just not going to bother, and I'm not going to put up with it. I wouldn't accept that kind of shit from a friend, why the hell would I take it from someone I don't particularly care for? So now it's time to be frank, I think you're full of shit. From some of my earliest dealings with you the impression I've got is that you're false, and you're pretending. I've known people like that before and the time that I was friends with them was pretty miserable, and so I'm not going to let it happen to me again. Realise that while you're sitting there saying things you think make you sound cool and random and crazy, and other people are lapping it up, I'm usually the one rolling my eyes and going 'Yep. Right-o.'

So I'm willing to talk to you and nod and smile while you spurt whatever bullshit you're spinning today, but I'm not going to put up with random unprovoked attacks. You can talk to me with a civil and friendly tongue in your mouth, or you can piss off and take it to someone who'll put up with it. Whichever pleases you, I don't really know and I frankly don't care.

Just to make things explicit and avoid any unintended drama, obviously this is directed at a specific person. I daresay that person will know who they are, if they bother to click the cut. Suffice to say, if you didn't offend me with an attack over some random Radiohead lyrics today, you're exempt :)

I did some computer cleaning, tonight, and not wanting to jinx myself, but I think I may have fixed my pr0n attack problem. I had this thing on my computer where IE kept resetting it's default page to a porn site, which then spawned about 20 more porn pages in the space of a few seconds. It was so incredibly and mindboggling pov that I had to screenshot my taskbar. Anyway, the main reason for me typing this up is in case anyone else has the same shit.. the sites were called and, I'm pretty sure I fixed the first one, not sure about the second. If anyone's got something like that leave a comment and I'll find the sites that told me how to fix it.

I told my host mother about the Used show, it went off unexpectedly well 0.o She just asked which side of the station it was on, I told her it was hella close to the station exit (only a slight exaggeration..) and then we bitched about how expensive shows in Japan are. They really, really are. I'm paying 6000 yen for this one, which works out to about $60 bucks AUD.. a bit more, actually, I'm just bad with exchange rates. I honestly wouldn't've paid that much to see them, except that Marie asked me right after telling me Summer Sonic was sold out. It's sort of my consolation prize. Anyway, should be fun, hopefully the venue will stink less on the night, when my nose is full of second hand smoke, rather than when we checked it out in the daytime and it was deserted and seedy. Very very smelly.
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