@soraruru: 最近ほんとに何呟いてもRTされるな
Soraru: Lately, really, no matter what I post, it gets RT’ed.
(31 RTs [probably more that aren’t showing up])
Soraru: [RT Ban] I’m hungry
(183 RTs)
@soraruru: おいRTするなよ!無許可でRTとか常識考えろよ!!!!
Soraru: Oi, don’t RT that! RT-ing it without permission or something, think with some common sense!!!!
(166 RTs)
@soraruru: まあRTとか自由にしていいんだけどね 前に話題になってたRT禁止って騒いでた人は今どこに言ったんだろう
Soraru: Well, it’s fine, RT-ing freely and things. I wonder where the people that made a fuss about that whole RT Ban thing are right now.