Apr 20, 2010 15:47
These past two weeks has been total hell at my house. First, Charlie (dh) sits on a russian olive thorn and gets a hole in his butt cheek. Then, said hole starts hurting and his butt cheek swells up and become red as a lobster and rock hard! I say go to the doctor please. He says InstaCare. Okay, as long as someone looks at your butt! He goes in, they say, let it come to a head and we'll drain it. Oral antibiotics for a week too. Well, 3 days later it's still hot and hard! It's getting bigger and no head is forming. He is getting to where he can't walk, he can't sit, he has to eat standing up. The gal at InstaCare makes an appt. for him with Dr. Dowell, the infectious disease guy. Good thing. He gets in there and he said the only thing saving him from the hospital is that it will take to long for them to admit him and get his butt lanced. They do it at his office. The pus pocket is 6 inches deep and 5 inches in diameter. He says size of an orange. Charlie says it's like sitting on a grapefruit. He's in considerable pain from this. Dr. Dowell determines that he has a strain of e coli resistant to some antibiotics. In other words MRSA. He tells Charlie that he could have died if it went to much longer.
He (charlie) is now on IV antibiotics and goes each day to get his wound packed. Yesterday was the first time I saw him sit normally in a chair. He is sleeping better and drove himself to the dr's office today instead of me or his mom. I am relieved that he is better but is still not out of the woods. The big dofus! We are wondering what the doctor bills will be. He's been every day since last Wednesday including Saturday and Sunday. I've met some nice people in the waiting room though. When you think about it though, they are all infected! Ick.
Charlies pus pocket is now about walnut sized but another week of butt packing and antibiotics. He is out of immediate danger.
To top that off, Chester my dear sweet pony, has some serious bruising on his front feet. He got out last Monday at lunch because stupid ass me left his gate unlatched. Well, he and Ronin are out eating grass! Agggghhhhhh!!!! Not a big deal for most horses, but Chester and Ronin have both foundered before and are prone to it now. Ronin is okay, Chester shows some soreness but by Saturday morning after a couple of days of bute is walking tons better. Then, Christine and I decide to go riding. Well, Chester gets very upset and runs the pen because his buddy is gone! He shows soreness on his front feet again. More bute, Sunday we go riding again. We are gone about 2 hours this time. Big mistake! We get back and he is dripping sweat, very very sore and you can see the bruising on his hooves. I make him founder boots and put them on and he is on 1 gram of bute twice a day. A lot for a little guy. He is still sore but is walking a bit better but he is also confined to a small area. Gina, my farrier comes out today to take a look. She says bruising too and suggests founder boots and stall rest, no shoes or pads until soreness/inflammation is gone. Thank goodness for bute.
So, how was your week?
hoof bruising.,
infected butt cheeks,
e coli