My class went on a trip wednsday,it was soo boring X_X lol I had fun on the little playground XP I was like flipping and stuff on this thing by the swings,it like has handles that hang down and a bar thay goes across in the middle and you like flip and hang your legs on it :D it was fun but i pulled 2 in my both arms and shoulders D: It really hurts ;_; But me and my friend saw this cute guy around our age 8D He kept checking Jenna out though DX and one of his friends kept like leaning on my arm and stuff,lol he was cute at all xD(thats kinda mean but still...) Then Bob got really pissed and he was calling me and slut and a bitch and stuff,he kinda got jealous XP When me and bob were talking i was like..
Me-He's really cute :D
Me-He's cuter then you XP
Him-Well guess what?! I'm hotter then him! XO
xD bwhaha all of us laughed haha~
The other night my grandmother was out,so I was on the laptop and my grandfather and my brother were watching the news..The news was talking about child porn..
Mitchell(brother)-Hey pa??
Mitchell-Whats porn??
Lol my grandfather just got up and walked away X3...My brothers ten..I think o.O
*Sigh* My Ipod still wont work. I was listening to music on it all day today though XP I went to the mall and future shop and stuff and I forgot my Ipod..Yes I am stupid -_-''
I wasnt aloud to get it DX My grandmother didn't like it,she said it was to long and it was to tight >.< i loved it though *_* I got a new pair of sunglasses though..I didnt have a pair for like 2-3 years XD It's the new kind thats out,the kind with like the slits in them? I paid i think i like $16.00~ i bought them in Claires, had to pay like an extra $4.00 for like jems(idk) around it,There was like pink and stuff without them and i wanted ones without the jewls but the normal ones came in every color but white T~T And white was like the only color that looked good on meh...
:D :D omg! I'm getting my bangs but soon( i have a side bang) I'm getting a straight fringe..I finally talked my granparents into letting me dye/color my bangs :D I'm getting them like this(and the sides to :)
One side is going to be Pink(like in picture) and light blond :) i can't wait!! :D :D
I'll post pics after i get it done ^_^
Ohhh!!~ I baked a cake today :D Me and my 2 friend ate some cupcakes off of it though today X3