tv shows

Sep 28, 2014 15:37

Doctor Who: I like Clara, I like Danny, still on the fence about Capaldi-Doctor. The stories are kinda meh? or I only like parts of them.

Intruders: watched to ep. 5 and like it. The girl who plays Madison is great!

HTGAWM: the pilot was very dramatic, Viola was a power of her own. Like Scandal, I will watch the show until the plots/relationships get too messy/crazy.

Scorpion: pilot was alright, nothing special. will see how the next episodes are turning out.

Forever: watched the pilot. New Amsterdam /highlander like. The female lead should do her homework how to move like a cop. cast so far is not deverse. probably  will not follow the show.

sleepy hollow: it was entertaining, but plotwise... yeahnohmmm. I don't know.

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