Feb 16, 2009 08:41
Well after 2 nights in a row of relative sobriety and well behavedness I managed to get my ass to Edinburgh for a ARRG vs Middlesburgh Roller Derby bout, where I started my training as a ref :D
I was placed as an outside pack ref, meaning I had to tag team with another girl following the pack round and keeping an eye out for penalties. I haven't been on skates in a few months so was dreading embarrassing myself, but I reckon I did okay... even if I did have to wear Bang Bangs tarty halterneck ref top. I'm definitely going to invest in my own top asap... and more Black and white stripey sox, preferably with panda's on them cos everyone seemed to like them :D
Middlesbourgh are fairly new to this and I think you can safely say they got their asses handed to them by arrg, but it was more a training bout anyway so the girls were there to learn. I personally learned a lot and hopefully I'll have enough confidence to actually blow the whistle and report the majors next time, rather than being a mouse and noting the minors and reporting them to the middle!
We all went out for dinner after and I managed to make some new friends... I may have got roped into helping organise and aftershow party for some skating thing... and I've also got a drinking appointment with one of the lassies when she hits Aberdeen tomorrow evening :D
I managed to get home okay... and was out like a light very quickly. I think i even managed 8 hours sleep for the first time in months. I should feel ace, instead I've got a niggly headache and feel like I need another 5 hours sleep... Oh well. I'll know for next week to try and sleep properly the night before.
roller derby,