Ten mins of silly Blake's 7ish retro skiffy nonsense, 30mins of lovely joyful lovely things (office on a train: I want one too), AMY GETTING TO SAY WHAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR HER TO GET TO SAY ABOUT HER BABY FOR FOREVER, rubbishy bit*, amaaazing wine-drinking Pond family reunion, lovely neat and tidy and well set-up ending. And then The Question, which is frankly a silly question because, erm, it is a bit meaningless, innit? But I am v v looking forward to seeing them muck about with it.
Rory is not dead! Oh thank god for that. I was proper proper worried. Also wherever and whenever Amy is, she draws mad pictures of stuff and doesn't know what it is but knows it's important. I love that.
Those skulls were bloody terrifying. I am so glad the cgi on the bit where they ate Chin Man was shit, so as not to make me dead of terror.
Texting and scones. TEXTING AND SCONES. Oh, ILU Team Eleventy.
* I confess to not liking at all most of the actual wedding scene, because I don't think I buy any version of River placing Twoo Wuv over Everything Ever (doing it because she's convinced she can do wtf she likes with time without having to deal with consequences in any serious way? yes), and FFS, calling the universe in to tell the Doctor he is loved is such a Rusty throwback. (And not even necessary now: everything he says about wanting the Ponds there when he dies proves he gets that people like him, yo.) And it was utterly irrelevant to the plot. But it didn't actually prompt an annoying deus ex machina, so phew. And there was the adorable thing with Amy telling Rory they will have a baby and get married. OH PONDS.