OK, so you know how after A Good Man Goes To War they flashed up Let's Kill Hitler as a title and your already too-full-of-wow brain loudly went twang?
I LOVED IT SO, OMG, WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING SHOW? In no order and doubtless missing out many many things of love:
* So many fakeouts/reversals/reveals in a row! The car that you assume will be River only it isn't only it is. The gun and the banana and the gun and the kiss. The Voice Activated Protocols, omg. I love how Moff knows exactly what the audience (well, the one that lives in my house) will think at that first cameo, and then plays with it.
*Amelia! I love Amelia. A bit of me is icked by quite how fucked over and agency-removed her entire life has been, but then she is a girl made out of stories and is responsible for imagining all of us into existence, which is a bit like being the queen really. Sacrifices required, yo.
* 'Shut up, Hitler!' Rory rocked so hard this week. I love him anyway but he is so surprised by himself rocking that it still feels like a surprise to us too.
* I have a total thing for characters you like getting to suddenly be a completely new version of themselves (cf Fred, Angel; all the bodyswaps ever) and River is made for that and yay, evil!River. I am judgey at Moff for the epic yawnsomeness of 'oh look, a girl character, let her need to weigh herself and go shopping' because OH FFS - but it was a full-on regeneration scene and I am cheap for those. Plus they have neatly bundled all the 'so the girl in the suit who regenerated was her like you all guessed, yeah?' stuff away without spending forever on it.
*The Tesselator (sp?) thingy? I like that it is really properly full of tiny people, and how economical all the exposition was (through the whole episode, in fact). Not bothering to show us Rory and Amy being shrinkalized (because we have just seen Robot Amy and we have seen it before and are not thick) was brilliant. I like the pixel-flip effect too. And Robot Amy with her stary eyes and her big moooouuuuth of deeeeath. Also space octopi.
* The Rules! Esp Rule #1. Oh, Doctor. *sniffles*
* The 'I used up all my regenerations to fix you' totes has precedent from Mawdryn Undead, right? So it's all fine, and not just a retcon of stuff that happens in the Library that would otherwise sort of not make sense. *nods* (It does mean that Ten could entirely have saved Donna, though, surely? He just didn't want to.)
* The State of Grace thing! The State of Grace thing! Suddenly Earthshock makes sense!
* I want Amy's tights.
* He gave her the journal! With a wee red bow on it!
* The TARDIS told her how to fly her. :)
Oh, Who, I am so helplessly fond of you. *hugs it*