(no subject)

Jan 06, 2011 11:17

Ever since Gap tried to pull off that horrible redesign, every single logo change is being compared to it, and everyone feels like they can bitch and moan until the company changes it back. See, Big Ten, and now recently Starbucks... a nice link here to the complaining, if you can stomach it without getting stuck in permanent "eye-roll" position.

I've found that people are horribly resistant to change just on the basis that it is change (see: every time facebook does something, ever) and the downside of this web 2.0, social media, two-way-dialogue mass that the internet has become is that people feel that it is their right to not only scream, bitch, moan, and complain (which it is), but have a huge audience who validates their point of view, and writhe around in comment sections, internet forums, and blogs screaming about all the change (Hey now, I thought Change was something we were supposed to be Believing In?).

I personally think the move Starbucks is making makes a lot of sense, due to the fact that they are trying to branch away from just selling coffee. This is exactly what Apple did when they dropped "Computer" from their name, and look where it got them- they sell more iPods, iPhones, and iPads than any computer product... hell, they launched a whole iEconomy of iStuff that is boderline iAnnoying... so it obviously worked.

And please don't tell me that icons without wordmarks are stupid. Nike, Apple, Target, McDonalds are four within a mile of my house that are instantly recognizable without any typography.

The other things I am getting sick of: people calling rebrands and designs "A waste of money" that "do nothing at all in this bad economy" and "are millions of dollars for something I could totally do myself."

Ok, let's address all of those. So the economy is bad. Does that mean every single company on earth is bleeding money left and right? No. So why can't they spend their money as they see fit? If their shareholders don't like it, they'll hear about it. If the customers don't like it, they won't spend their money there. That's all they're accountable to, not you on your internet forums being unable to understand how anyone could spend any money nowadays (PS... companies spending money on goods and services is a GOOD thing for the economy). And guess what? Design firms, Ad Agencies, Studios, and whatever else you can call a conglomeration of creatives are made up of PEOPLE, who have JOBS, that require MONEY to get PAID and AFFORD THINGS. Do you think that those people (myself included, so I may be a little biased) feel like it is a "waste of money" to be able to book client work? Do you feel like it is a waste of money when your employer pays you? Because it would sure save them a lot to just get rid of your job completely.

And the last argument. I think that a line from the social network puts it nicely, "If you had invented facebook, you would have invented facebook." Meaning, if you think you can do it yourself, then go do it yourself! Put up or shut up. Send bids out on these projects! Show the world your genius! I'm being facetious here, but then again if someone does have genuine creative talent out there that comes up with a new solution, good for them! And "millions of dollars" is usually not the case... hundreds of thousands, maybe, but that's an order of magnitude of difference (probably a symptom of hearing million, billion, and trillion tossed around so many times without really knowing the difference).
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