I channel my verbal diarrhoea here, just for you!

Jun 24, 2007 11:13

Hey kids, how ya been. Just thought I'd check in, say hi... Y'know, the usual.

Ooh! My shirts from Threadless arrived! I ordered some with Jess because of their last sale, which was fun. I love cheap shirts that have interesting things on them. I got three of them, and this time I made them Large because the Mediums don't fit as comfortably. They're a little baggy, but bearable. The designs I got were ... Interpretive Dance, Rocketbird and 99 Luftballoons. I am quite pleased with them. Using the points I got for sending in photos of all the shirts I've bought so far, I'm thinking of getting a couple more. There's two I have my eye on but I'm gonna wait for this week's set to come out, in case there's something cooler. Also, after watching some of the Threadless video blog things, I really wanna work there :( It looks so fun! Then again, Boston would be a long commute.

So I finally got my Life Drawing stuff assessed this week, after being jerked around by my lecturer. I HATE THAT WOMAN. I much preferred the woman before her.. Damn her for not being able to continue teaching! I wanted to punch Trena every time she talked to me, grr. No lady, I do NOT think I should use charcoal instead, and do you know why? Because charcoal is dirty and yucky. I prefer graphite where, y'know, I'll be able to tell what kind of mark I'm gonna make. Also it doesn't explode in my hands if I press too hard.

Anyways, next on the cards is working out my elective for next semester. I was gonna do Screen printing (:D) but the class was full, so I'd been emailing the lecturer running it. She said to keep checking until then and if no spaces opened up I should just get in contact with her. I did, and she basically just said "The class is full." (D:) So, she strung me along for no reason. Well, screw you bitch! When I come back next year for Illustration, I am going to get into your fucking class, and I will flip you off every single lesson. HAH.

What else. Well, work progresses slowly on comickery, as I decided halfway through inking the first comic in the pie that I no longer liked the drawings. I think I'll just push ahead with it anyway, otherwise I'll get stuck at that point forever. In happier news, due to drawing out those panels, I'm now at the end of sketchbook 11! Number 12 has been sitting patiently, numbered, in my desk for about six months. I look forward to cracking it open some time this holidays.

Speaking of hollerdays, they are fun! I have reached the endpoint for FF XII, so now I'll meander around completing all the side stuff before going for the final dungeon area. I'm still disappointed that there hasn't been more character development, but whatcha gonna do. It feels as though the starter character, Vaan, got pushed to the side the moment the later characters entered the party. I don't mind so much with Balthier and Fran, but the princess is kinda boring. Also Al-Cid needed to be in it more, his pseudo-Italian ways are fun. And why are you limited to the one continent in this game? I miss free-flying airship travel :( It was always my favourite part of the FF games, reaching the point where you get to zoom back and forth over the world map. Picking locations from a menu just doesn't match up. Oh well, at least the gameplay is kinda fun.

Also been watching things over the break. I've been downloading stuff (Clone High, Drawn Together, Daria) and watching DVDs (Lost Season Two) which is good for passing the time. In between that, I have been working, a lot. My work roster has at least doubled since holidays started, not that I'm complaining. The money's done the same. $400 is so much nicer sounding than $150! Looks like I might get to buy things sooner than I thought. Whee screen printing kit!

But also, it has been brought to my attention (coughJesscough) that I should save more. So, I will do that too. I guess. Between buying a car, moving out, paying for my spot in the VisCom gallery exhibition, and going on a possible holiday at the end of the year, I probably should. I'm actually doubting whether or not I''ll go to AVcon this year. I know it's just a weekend, but I do tend to spend there. The only thing I really wanted to buy is the next MegaTokyo book, because they make everything cheaper at the con, so I guess I could go and just hang out instead of spending. I don't even like the shirt/hoodie designs this year. I mean, how does "Rock and Roll" apply as an anime and gaming convention theme? Seriously. RPG, yes. Pirates versus Ninjas,double yes. But this is just... forced. Ho hum, something to think about.

Also to think about! HARRY POTTARS! Only a month until the final book, and a week or two after that, the fifth movie. Yaaay. Looking forward to reading the last installment, and seeing what they do in the OoTP movie. Wheeee. Also, Transformers comes out next week. Who's gonna go see Transformers with me? TRANSFORMERS.

OK, that's probably enough bloggery for one post. I will see you soon kids, hopefully with a comic or something to show.

work, art, movies, avcon, threadless, uni, games, life

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