MLP: FiM Season 5 episode 22: What About Discord?

Nov 08, 2015 19:47

Because the Friendship Map is a slacker...

No glowing tushies indeed.

I don't know about Discord. He was a great villian (second best because Chryssi is best) based on a great Star Trek antagonist, voiced by the very same actor. But ever since he reformed, or started to reform, with a few exceptions his presence has been underwhelming. This was underwhelming. I even liked "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" from earlier this season better.

This episode was about 20 minutes of Twilight getting progressively peeved, while the other ponies did cute pony things and Discord was Discord and Spike was just there. It wasn't terribly funny, especially for a Discord episode where there are usually sight gags out the wazoo.

What they had was funny - namely references to Back to the Future and Spaceballs. Discord as Bob Ross was the single best thing about it.

In the end, Twilight learned something about friendship, Discord learned something about friendship and then everybody hugged and laughed about it.

I liked seeing Zecora, her cauldron joke was funny! I wish they would give her a major role in an episode or two. I also liked seeing the (tiny) Smooze in a jar. And fans noticed Starlight lurking in the bushes or something but I didn't!

twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, zecora, spike, discord

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