May 29, 2006 16:56
Well, I'm moved in (almost) to the place where I'll be all summer, and I think it's going to be a pretty good fit.
Thanks to the sleuthing of a couple of close friends, I managed to secure a room (well, a couple of rooms and a bathroom) in the house of a couple at my church whose children have all moved out. They're really interesting and nice, and are charging me a ridiculously low price. It's about 15 minutes from school/work, and did I mention that it's cheap?
I've spent the last few days doing next to nothing and alternating between feeling blissful and guilty about it. It'll take me a bit to adjust to a slower pace of life. I'm glad to be starting work tomrrow, but also glad that my job won't be /too/ stressful, and that the only schoolwork stuff I have are my online classes and whatever pieces of my research I choose to work on this summer.
Overall, things are looking up. And, at the risk of sounding selfish or conceited - I feel like I deserve this.
Now, off to cook dinner. Mushroom chicken with zucchini over tri-color pasta and salad. That's right, they let me cook for them. I swear, it just keeps getting better.