Oct 04, 2006 16:12
what a wonderful day.
so im driving home, no big deal. i turn onto groesbeck, and all of a sudden i feel my tires slide and there's this random crunching noise underneath the front of my car.
im all, WTF? i thought i hit something (or someone!)
so im trying to steer over to the side of the road, and just as i get onto the shoulder, there's the crunching noise again and...my steering is gone!!
so i call my dad, who calls AAA, who calls a tow truck, who calls a pontiac dealership. so basically its in the shop right now.
i guess the front struts and ball joints on my car were so fucked up that it could cause my front left wheel to fall off. so thats pretty much what happened. my dad says its an easy thing to fix, and its a typical problem with grand prixs. supposedly the dealership should have it done by tomorrow night.
EDIT:: my car was definitely finished after school today. (thursday). =)