I Love my Hubby!

Dec 12, 2008 17:28

Okay.  The conversation went something like this:

Me:  Do you need anything from WalMart?

Hubby:  Yeah.  An alarm clock.  The boy completely destroyed mine and yours won't wake me up.  Never mind, I'll get it myself because I need something loud and obnoxious.

Me:  {Wicked glint in my eye}  They make ones that you can record a personal message on [beat] [beat] ya know, something loud and obnoxious.  {Internally: wait for it, wait for it...}

Hubby:  {Dawning behind his eyes}  Heeeeeeeeey!  Hey!

Me:  {Laughing hysterically and thanking God that I had already swallowed my Diet Coke}  YOU! Are so easy!

I crack myself up sometimes!  I love my hubby because he doesn't mind when my snarky alter ego takes pot shots at him.

Maybe I just really needed a laugh.  Boys are so easy.

hubby convo

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