bad times

May 27, 2003 12:35

Last night was a very bad night. not just cause i could not sleep. Not just cause I was stuffed up and crying. But becuz my favorite hamster/friend, Sebastian, Died. He was quite old and i suppose i took very good care of him. he was so sweet and he never ever bit anybody. My other hamsters would pick on him and he would never fight back. he would eat out of my hand and he would crawl on me without running away. i still have his son, Jon Claude...but its not the same. i loved him so much. AlleyBear was there to comfort me. He even spent 20 minutes attempting to revive Sebastian but it was no use. I am burying him tonight in my backyard, i wish there was something better i could do. I wish i had bought him more stuff, more expensive hamster toys and foods. Like one of those habitrail things or a big wheel or little hammy vitamins...Oh well i guess there is nothing else i can do. i miss him and i know he can never ever be replaced.
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