Ask any Japanese person who's just come back from a trip abroad how the food was, and the first thing out of their mouth will undoubtedly be, "The inferior foreign rice sucked!" There may be a slight difference, but really... why get so anal about rice (it's just rice, dammit)? And hey, it doesn't always have to be sticky. But whatever, maybe some people are just that into... boring-ass rice. Fine.
The same people tend to be completely oblivious to the fact that their bread SUCKS. HORRIBLY. ALL OF IT. EVEN FROM BAKERIES. JESUS CHRIST. Japan, why do you hate Bread?
This is how it's done, people. With some capicola and pepper ham (from the deli, of course), lettuce, tomato slices, muenster cheese (again, from the deli), Grey Poupon, and bread and butter pickles.
The scientific term for this is "FUCKING BULLSHIT." It tastes as bad as it looks. There is simply no hope for this dismal foodstuff. It doesn't help matters that it's usually stuffed with limp, stale lettuce scraps, ham out of a package, the worst processed cheese available (if you're lucky), and exorbitant amounts of Japanese mayonnaise.
I think I just figured out what I'm eating for dinner tonight. Big Kahuna Burger's burgers have sucked ever since they've been required to cook everything super well-done, but their sandwiches are meant to be pretty good. We shall see.