So -- today was entertaining. I drove over to Jude's place, got out of the van, walked up to the house and in and sat down and we went over the "list". When it was time to start recording, I stood up, brushed down the back of my long silk crepe black skirt and felt something funny. Or rather, didn't...
Further investigation revealed that my skirt was neatly tucked into my waistband at the back and anyone with eyes open had been treated to the sight of me in my pink leopard silk longjohns. Glad this was NOT a commando day.
Well, we're down to the last editing and a few fill-ins now.
I went to Jude's studio today instead of working here as all his instruments are there along with the multiple rooms for recording. I'd done a scratch track of Rock Me To Sleep before I went over so he laid some guitar and mando while I did a vocal. We put some shaker on Urban Legends and banjo on Rock Me to Sleep. He thought that was a strange choice but, it works. I knew it would work as we'd done that at Beacon UU with Brooke. Much better than the midi sitar or dulcimer :)