May 11, 2006 15:33
My dear, wonderful, amazingly intelligent, probing, slightly truly evil friend Becky came up with a very emotionally complex survey which I filled out. It was a traumatic experience. You may fill it out if you so desire, but you don't have to. Here are my answers:
#1 said...
You wanna play? Let's play...
1. What is your name?
Irrelevant... You know me as #1.
2. How old are you?
How old do you want me to be?
3. Do you know me from Adam?
I do. In fact, were you not once his son?
4. How can you tell the difference between me and Adam?
Adam was dumb and tried to be pure. You are clever, witty and intellegent with only a facade of purity.
5. If you could truthfully change your answer to 1, 2, or 3, which would you pick and what would you like to change it to?
2 - I would like it be wittier.
6. Name three people that you love, just the first that come to mind:
I don't love
7. Now three more:
See above
8. Who didn't you list that you should have? Is there anyone you'd like to, but can't? Say something cryptic about them.
Why are you prying?
9. Name one thing that fascinates you about each of these people.
I suppose I can answer this one, but about the questions. These questions fascinate me because if I loved, which at the moment I don't, they would force me to assign a hierarchy on my friends, family, and aquiantances. A hierarchy which is none of your business and one that constantly shift. Of course I have this hierarchy, but it is fluid and writing it makes it much more permenant than it should ever be. Your mind fascinates me because of course *you* would ask this. I am not going to oblige.
10. And something that irritates you...
Well the above paragraph was filled with irritation which is fascinating as well.
11. Name three people you really dislike:
AGAIN with the hierarchies!
12. Anybody you'd like to name that you can't mention publicly? Say something cryptic about them.
Too many loopholes... So many outs...
13. Tell me something you admire about each of the dislike people. Yes, you have to. Why doesn't that override the dislike?
Lack of respect will always cause me to dislike you. Nothing usually can override it except time and my own shifting maturity.
14. What is your favorite color? Do you know why?
Green. It's cheerful and the color of leaves which creates shade.
15. What is something about yourself that you secretly think is pretty sexy?
The fact that I smile
16. What is something about yourself that you secretly worry is pretty repulsive?
Once again... why should I reveal the chinks in my facade?
17. What is something about me that you secretly think is pretty sexy? Or at least attractive? ;)
The way you think...
18. I'm not gonna ask the opposite. Instead, tell me a memory you have involving music.
My life is made up of separate soundtracks each corresponding to period of my life when I listened to it. The opening bars of Camelot's I Know What the King is Doing Tonight takes me back to 5th grade.
19. Imagine yourself married. Do you see someone you know as your spouse, or someone imaginary? Do you like this fantasy? Does it discomfort you?
Why base this fantasy in something as paragmatic as marriage? Yes, I will marry someday and I will love him. Until then, I can be a famous movie star's hot, sexy girlfriend or fling. It's much more fun and the moviestar/character is much more sexy.
20. Tell me a story about a time when you were truly frightened.
When I was tear gassed in the Metro.
21. What's something you wish you knew how to do, but don't?
Successfully flirt, but I may be better at it than I think...
22. What are you most likely to be famous for?
Knowing someone famous
23. What do you think influences your daily life the most: your parents' financial situation or their relationship to each other?
They are intertwinned and my parents taught me it's rude to discuss money.
24. Do you have a religious or spiritual outlook? Where did you get it? What about it do you think is particularly engaging?
I do. It's highly scientific and that comforts me.
25. Do you like to dance? When did you last dance?
I do. Monday night.
26. Who is the first person you remember being sexually attracted to?
27. Describe the last person that caught your eye in a crowd (in a good way).
Do you think I pay attention to other people?
28. Describe the last person that caught your eye in a crowd (in a bad way).
Really, why am I thinking about them?
29. How do you feel when faced with a homeless person soliciting money? What is your emotional reaction? What thoughts go through your head?
Go to Egypt and then ask this question.
30. Are these questions difficult? What would you like to ask me in retaliation?
Yes these questions are difficult. You should take this survey and not lie. Then see what you put me through.
31. If you were going to name your child after a literary character, who would it be and why?
Darcy. It's the sexy moviestar thing.
32. What's the last book you read? What did you think of it?
Hot Shot by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. It fills an emotional void I was not aware was empty at the time.
33. What is your favorite fruit?
34. Tell me a story about one of your cousins.
My favorite cousin was a very drooly baby, it was impressive.
35. Who is a person you still wince when you think about? It can be for any reason.
Not a person, but a squirrel with an ugly rat tail. I can't deal with it.
36. Is there anything that is consistently irresistable to you? Can you imagine a situation in which you would not find this attractive?
The fantasy of the possibility a hot romance novel relationship. Just the fantasy, not the actuallity. Maybe if I do get one the attractiveness of the fantasy will fade but I doubt it.
37. Tell me a secret. It can be a current one, or an old one, but at some point the secretiveness of this should have mattered to you.
On a public blog? You have to be shitting me. You go too far.
38. If you could erase one of your own memories, would you? Why or why not?
That would erase part of who I am and I quite like myself. Thanks.
39. What about one of somebody else's?
Anything that makes them cringe when thinking about me. I can know my defects, others don't have to.
40. Describe a beautiful landscape that you have seen. Or a beautiful sky.
It wasn't that beautiful... but one night the sunset was a very vivid orange and red and it was cloudly so the dark clouds were superimposed on the sunset. I commented on it and my dad said that it looked like a burning city. I was confused for a moment why my father would know what a burning city looked like. Then I remembered, I never forgot since then that my father lived through WWII.
41. Do you like eggs?
Love them but not in an omelet. Omelets and sometimes quiches are unappealing to me in a surprisingly strong way.
42. How many of your answers were true?
They all contain truth.
This survey brought up a lot of questions and now I'm really interested in why I answered what I did. So here's the truth behind the answers... I guess I'm taking the mystery out of it, but I have never been good with mystery.
The only answer I blatantly lied on was about naming people who you love. I do love, I love a lot. I love many people in many ways but I don't like to talk about why I love them. That is an intensly personal question. Asking me to name who I love makes me have to examine who I am confortable admitting in a semi-public journal who I love and who I am not ok with writing about. This isn't even about sexual/romantic love, if that were the case, I would put it. No, it's the complex layers of friendship love that are deeply personal and very private. It's just easier to lie about the answer to that question.
As for the list of people I dislike... There are people, but it's also personal. My dislike has nothing to do with anyone nor should it color your view of the world. Besides, admitting dislike colors the world negatively. It only creates bad feelings. Sometimes it is necessary to air these feelings, sometimes it is necessary to talk about these things, but on a survey just because someone asked you to, it's not.
That is also why I did not answer what annoys me about my friends (well that and the fact that I didn't answer it). You choose your friends and hopefully you choose them understanding who they are. That means that they do things that you don't like, they even disappoint you sometimes. The little irratations should not matter. There is no point. That's what unconditional love is and that's how I feel about the people who I would be talking about. You have to learn to live with their irritations and love them because of them. (This is very Good Will Hunting)
My frustration and fascination about this survey is completely true.
It is also untrue that I don't notice other people in crowds, I do. I like to people watch, but I always relate it back to me. I constantly judge the world around me in comparison to what I would do. For some reason, I rarely remember what I was thinking when I was people watching.
The personal anecdote that holds the most meaning is the one about the sky. The second is the music.
The most interesting thing that this survey revealed is why I made a good Ian in Professor Dilexi. I did not realize before now that I too have a yearning to be surrounded my magic like Ian. I want to be able to fantasize about the world. I do not necessarily want to participate in my fantasy, but I want to believe it's real or I can. Ian never understood that he didn't want to be part of the fantasy, he thought he did and then was disappointed when it didn't work out. I don't think many people in my cast understood this aspect of Ian. For me it was something I understood but could not put into words until now.
As usual, Becky has managed to bring truths to the light. :-D