Birthday recs and squeeage

Nov 17, 2006 10:58

Happy birthday to savoytruffle, who posted a delightful five-part Spike/Xanderstory, Or Forever Hold Your Peace, in fall_for_sx yesterday. ST started in the fandom only a little more than two years ago (Survival Instincts is still one of my all-time favorite S/X stories, in which she created an OC [Jamie] so interesting and sympathetic than readers were torn about who Xander should end up with! :), but has built up an amazing body of work. Check out her Memories to make sure you haven't missed anything she has written!

Thank you to romanyg, who gave me lovely virtual red roses for my user info page! ::hugs you::

And a huge thank you to entrenous88, who surprised me with my crack de la creme: another chapter of Spander on Ice! Squeeee!

H takes gift hints really well, he always has. But this year he did something something he's never done: he told me he knew I was going to love my gifts; in fact, he was sure I was going to squee all over the place.

This made me suspicious, and nervous. What if I didn't like it/them? H is good, but not all of his gifts have been perfect, y'know? Well, I needn't have feared. I got home from work and noticed that the light in my study (it's off the living room) was on. I knew I hadn't left it on that morning. H just smiled and say "Your prezzie is in there." So I looked, and there was a big plastic-wrapped shroud on my desk. Underneath the plastic? A Dell UltraSharp 2407WFP 24" Wide-Screen Black Flat Panel Monitor. Cue the squeeing. And the jumping up and down. And the remembering how I'd hinted about a new wide-screen monitor earlier this month when Dell was advertising sale prices on monitors. H was so right!

OMG, this thing is gorgeous; you should see what DVDs look like -- especially Stargate Atlantis. I took today off from work; I'm going to be playing with my new toy. :)

Next, I want a better sound card. I already started hinting to H... maybe for Christmas? Heheheh...

Now we have to go to Costco to buy a TV. We're having a party tomorrow night, and we always have a separate room set up for the kids with art supplies, construction toys, and a spare TV and DVD player so they can watch videos, and we just discovered that our old spare TV is broken.

birthday, recs

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