Love meme/belated birthdays

May 20, 2006 17:28

itsabigrock is running a fabulous Love Meme, which works like this:
Post your username in a comment. People (probably me!) will then reply to you ANONYMOUSLY (or not) and tell you something they like about you. It must be a POSITIVE comment and it can be posted anonymously! (Remember: Reply to the comment of the person you want to love-fest not the post, this way they will see how much they are loved!).

There's way too much negativity in the world, so I'm delighted to participate in something so positive. This is providing me with a welcome opportunity to tell people that I still love them even though I haven't been commenting much lately. I added my name (page 3) because I'm feeling shameless today. :)

While I'm at it, let me offer belated but heartfelt birthday wishes to: mpoetess, vampirellabites, xanphibian, and kyrieane!

meme, birthday

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