Dec 24, 2004 11:12
Well here's the thing:
Depressed that I hear about initiation and Diamond Days and I can't participate in either of those, but happy happy for the girls who are getting too..
BUT, guess who is teaching a dance for Greek Show?
You're damn skippy! God bless KT Ziegler and her trust in me... So girls, be READY! I'm gonna get you're asses good! Cause I can do that now!! hahaha, and NOT get in trouble for it!
Anyhow, let's talk about the RED TEAM GO situation here:
Today, its 11:12am and I have to leave in about an hour and drive to Nashville to meet Laura.
Then, we're meeting and I'm dropping off one of my friends from work up there till Sunday.
Then, me and Laura are gonna head South for the big LAWRENCEBURG...
Stay there tonight, and then tomorrow night, get up, drive BACK to Nashville to stay with Andy and his family for Xmas night...THEN!....
get up early Sunday and drive BACK to Chatt to work!
Boo for driving!
Why can't i just own a plane..
And Jesus, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the new PIC!!!
Its truly the grace of my days!!
Rikki, charge you're damn phone! And yes, anytime you find a concert to go to in CASHville, we will go. and I mean that!!!!!! And we can go see my ex boyfriends band too, you'd really like them... I hope...
Ok, well off to shower cause Its about that time...
I missssssssssssssssssss you girls and hopefully you'll be helping me move soon :) !!!!
New APT alllll by myself!!
A. Simpson!