(no subject)

Oct 29, 2010 17:19

Spending semestral breaks (or any kind of break for that matter) in school has always been pleasant for me. Most students would probably choose dying over going to school during their break - and I'm sure I'm not exaggerating. I on the other hand, find the whole experience to be soothing. I think this started in high school and was carried over to college and it has been this way up to now. In fact as I'm typing this now I'm sitting in one of the many comfortable nooks and corners of Malcolm Hall.

I think the reason is the difference in atmosphere. First there is the absence of the boisterous banter of students as they discuss their lessons with much enthusiasm, horse around and act like children to forget their daily miseries, mock their professors as a form of release, and declaim their anguish and despair as they fight this uphill battle for survival. Even the relatively somber corridors of Malcolm attain a heightened form of solace. Like a place preserved in time. Walking through its hallways gives me a sense of history and pride that I don’t feel during the semester. I’m able to relish the feeling that I’m a student of this institution with a distinctive history (emphasis on the word history).

Another reason why I love the place is that there are no professors! Okay, fine, that’s not exactly true. As those of you who stay during the break know, professors are the one thing you’ll find in a college during the break. At least they’re not out to terrorize me and prove me ignorant, lazy, and stupid during the break. Why? Because they too are tired of being with students after a semester - that and they’re too busy cramming their checking and grade submissions.

Also, I get to have a monopoly over the law library! MWAHAHAHA. Well, there are other people but there’s like a smorgasbord of choice seats, choice books, and choice computer stations.

There are many other reasons I’m sure but I can’t think of them right now…
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