(no subject)

Dec 22, 2009 08:58

a really close friend of mine miscarried on sunday. i am so so sad for her. i also was really worried about how to handle it. we work together too, and i am acutely aware that being around me might not be the easiest thing for her. i donated some money and am having 15 trees planted to honor her lost baby. i sent her an email saying how sorry i was, how unfair it all is, and how i understood if she needed some distance.

i had nightmares that whole night and can't stop thinking about how she is. i worry about how she is feeling both mentally and physically. and i wish i could just bring a blanket over and a pint of ice cream.

anyway, she wrote back the most gracious email i think i have ever read, but still i feel like my role should be a more quiet one around her. i want to let her ask questions about my pregnancy if she wants to know rather than me just offering it up.

in the meantime, i had an appointment yesterday with my obgyn which i walked out of. i really can't deal with his 2 hour wait time which is "usual" for him. it's unacceptable. i am a patient person, but not that patient.

jack and i went to see avatar last night, and i loved every second of it. jack didn't like it as much as i did. he commented that it was like "watching an enya video" which made me laugh. but i loveloveloved it. go see it!

friends, movies, prego

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