lesson that i am trying to learn: anything that is worth doing, is worth doing badly.
i have a hard time with perfectionism, procrastination, and paralysis. i'll think about something i want to accomplish, map it out perfectly in my head about how it should be done, and then i will feel this overwhelming weight about it. it has to be P-E-R-F-E-C-T. then it becomes this HUGE task in my head, so of course i procrastinate. it then becomes even BIGGER and that's when i become paralyzed. i hide from it. i can't do it. i can't even breathe properly when i think about it.
so, this lesson is a good one for me. it allows me to clean my apartment badly. (you know, just get started on it.) it allows me to email a friend - not the perfect email or well-timed. and it allows me to call my accountant - even if i don't have all of the information memorized.
things that seem so small and easy, sometimes are hard. so that's the lesson for myself to learn over the next few months.
hope everyone is having some kind of peek into springlike weather.