Which Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by
Quizilla it's the same notion john went through 'george george george george woops george wopps george george george george'
roses are red, violets are blue, i'm a sktizophrenic and so am i..
iz it correct for another to damn such words on yeself? i don't know why are you asking me? ask him.. leave me alone don't talk to me. fine.. anyway the desire of her friendship iz not strong within me.. but you bent her same rules didn't you? yes maybe.. quiet i wazn't talking to you.. sorry.. well? yes i suppose, the line of preaching to cease to exsist.. let me be a space cow-boy! how high the moon.. hey gueess what? what? no guess.. guess what? guess what i am telling you.. oh we're guessing something? yes now guess.. can i guess to? what iz it? GUESS! oh i want to guess! can't you just tell me.. i'd prefer it if you guessed.. uhm bananas are purple! oh shut up.. what? what am i guessing? ok i'll just tell you!! i am meeting viccivicciviccivicciviccivicciviccivicciviccivicci she will be the first girl from internet land i'll be meeting! me too! me three! uhm purple monkey dishwasher? we've stopped guessing now.. oh.. i need sleep.. me too.. i don't want to.. shut up will you please shut up!.. pffft sorry.. it's quite alright..